Embedded Bias: How Medical Records Sow Discrimination

DISCLAIMER: The republication of this article, originally published by KHN, by the curator of ‘Curious About Behaviour’ is not an endorsement of the opinions expressed by the contributor(s). By Darius Tahir September 26, 2022 David Confer, a bicyclist and an audio technician, told his doctor he “used to be Ph.D. level” during a 2019 appointmentContinue reading “Embedded Bias: How Medical Records Sow Discrimination”

Sordid genealogies

This post republishes under Creative Commons licence an extract of an original paper authored by Michael Wintroub and published in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume 7, Article number: 41 (2020). A Correction to this article was published on 27 August 2020. Abstract “Sordid Genealogies: A Conjectural History of Cambridge Analytica’s Eugenic Roots” explores the history of the methods employed by Cambridge AnalyticaContinue reading “Sordid genealogies”